’With the support of the Culture 2007 Programme of the European Union.’

DÉPARTS: practices for an integrated development of European contemporary dance

Contract number: 2009-0850/001-001 CU7-MULT7

May 1. 2009 – November 30. 2014.

DÉPARTS aims to contribute to the development of contemporary dance in Europe, by building bridges between nonofficial training programmes and the professional art world. It offers training, creation and presentation opportunities to talented young European dancers and choreographers, from all regional and social backgrounds.
Contemporary dance is an exemplary practice of social and cultural integration and innovation. Its practice is characterized by permanent collaboration and confrontation of established models and innovative practices. DÉPARTS has been developing new approaches to training and creation since 2001, inspired by the innovative artistic and pedagogical project of PARTS.
In 2009-2014, Départs invests even stronger in the interrelation between training and professional production: the network sets up mentoring programs; theatres and production houses engage more than before in programs brining students and artists together; 5 new partners bring in new competences and help to extend the target groups and audiences.

The name DÉPARTS stands for ‘start’ in the plural. Two starting points are essential to the career of every young artist from any social, cultural and regional background: having access to advanced training facilities and getting support to step into the professional art world. To reach these objectives, DÉPARTS has established a triple action plan.

DÉPARTS # 1 : DÉPARTS develops advanced training, residency and coaching projects in different European cities, outside the regular education systems. Young dancers and choreographers from different European regions work in close connection with professional artists.
DÉPARTS # 2: DÉPARTS has a democratic goal: it aims to give all talented young people equal access to advanced training. It organises auditions across Europe, finding talented artists where they live and work. It establishes a fund for student grants to ensure that candidates from all regional and social backgrounds can participate.
DÉPARTS # 3 : DÉPARTS supports young choreographers in their first professional steps, presenting, producing and co-producing new works in venues across Europe, of current and former participants in the training projects of PARTS and DÉPARTS.